Dominica Passport

The Commonwealth of Dominica is an island country located in the Caribbean. It has a population of 75,000 and a surface area of 750 sq km. Its capital is Roseau and the official language is English. The local currency is the East Caribbean dollar.


Dominica was a French colony between 1690 and 1763. The British then ruled the island until 1978, when it gained its independence.


The island’s traditional source of income was agriculture, with bananas being the main produce. In recent years, tourism has become the main pillar of the Dominican economy.




The Dominican Citizenship by Investment Program was introduced in 1993. It is currently one of the most successful economic citizenship programs available.


The bottlenose dolphin is a common site in the Dominican waters.


The Dominican Citizenship by Investment Program offers a number of key benefits:


  • Ability to travel to over 140 countries, including the European Schengen Area, China, Hong Kong and Singapore, without the need for a visa or with a visa issued on arrival
  • The application may include the applicant’s spouse, any unmarried children up to the age of 30, as well as parents and grandparents aged 65 and over
  • There is no requirement for a minimum stay in the jurisdiction
  • Citizenship can be passed to future generations
  • Dual citizenship is permitted
  • As Dominica is a member of the British Commonwealth, its citizens can benefit from certain privileges in the UK and other Commonwealth countries

The main applicant must be over the age of 18 and must have a clean criminal record.


In the event that any applicant has ever been refused a visa by a country with which Dominica has a visa-free travel agreement, that applicant will be required to re-apply and be granted a visa before being eligible to apply for Dominican citizenship.


Two investment options are available, as described below.



An applicant can choose to make a non-refundable contribution to the country’s Economic Development Fund. The following amounts will need to be contributed, depending on the individuals included in the application:

  • US$100,000 for a single applicant
  • US$150,000 for the main applicant plus spouse
  • US$175,000 for the main applicant plus up to three dependants
  • US$25,000 for each additional dependant under the age of 18
  • US$50,000 for each additional dependant over the age of 18

The alternative qualification route is through a minimum investment of US$200,000 in an approved real estate development. The property must be held for at least 5 years before it may be sold.



We will prepare the application for you and submit to the Dominican government for processing. There is no need for you to travel to Dominica for the application.


The usual processing time is 3 months, after which you will receive your citizenship certificate and passport.


Contact us now for a complimentary consultation on how you may obtain a Dominica second passport.